Mathematical Understanding
What does Mathematical Understanding look like at the Coastal Together Federation?
We know a high-quality mathematics curriculum is vital in providing secure foundations in mathematics. We value the importance of a mathematics curriculum which challenges and stretches our children's understanding. We believe that our carefully designed curriculum allows our children to understanding the world around them, gives them the ability to reason mathematically, grows their appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and develops a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
At the Coastal Together Federation we believe that mathematics should allow children to deepen their understanding through a carefully sequenced curriculum which ensures children's fluency, reasoning and problem solving is interconnected in their daily lessons.
How do we teach and enhance children's knowledge in Mathematical Understanding?
At The Coastal Together Federation we aim to create the very best mathematicians who are confident and resilient. We believe that lessons which focus on problem solving and reasoning ensure our children reach their full potential. Our teachers use quality first teaching strategies to ensure our children understand underlying Mathematical principles and can apply them in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts confidently. We follow the White Rose Scheme of work which focuses on a curriculum that ensures coverage and progression from year group to year group. It has been developed by teachers who understand the need to deepen children's understanding of mathematical concepts through highly practical lessons.
How do we ensure coverage and progression in Mathematical Understanding?
To ensure progression, our children are assessed using formal assessments. These assessments are used to formulate planning and to ensure gaps in children's knowledge is narrowed. In class, children are regularly assessed through a range of informative strategies. As our children progress through each year group, we expect them to break down more complex problems and become efficient in applying problem-solving and reasoning skills
What is the impact of Mathematical Understanding at the Coastal Together Federation?
By the end of KS2 our children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. Our children become resilient and confident mathematicians who enjoy solving more complex problems. Our children learn to question and reason mathematically by following lines of enquiry. They are able to explain their methods and thinking processes by justifying their answers using mathematical language and vocabulary.