Welcome to Wren Class
Welcome back to the Autumn Term in Wren Class! We will be starting the term by taking part in our 'Learning to Learn' week. This will include thinking about our JONK (Joy of New Knowledge) characteristics - reilient, resourceful, reflective, creative, collaborative and curious. We will also be thinking about key safety messages by learning about the NSPCC PANTS lesson and we will also be learning about the learning pit, along with the power of yet! Our overall topic this term is 'From Past to Pixels.' We will continue to have P.E twice a week, with one of the sessions being delivered by Premier Education. Throughout the term we will be developing our reading culture and Wren class will have the opportunity to visit our new school library weekly, as well as having lots of opportunities to read in class. We will soon be sending out a homework sheet with activities which can be completed throughout the term linked to our topic. We will also be sending home weekly handwriting homework. Our exciting new Cantley Coins reward system will allow all pupils to earn rewards on completion of the different homework tasks. We look forward to seeing you throughout the term at our parent events and please do not hesitate to pop in to class if you need any help with your child's learning.
What are we learning about this term?
This topic will help us to learn all about the past and how technology has been developed. We will also be learning about key figures in history, such as Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell.