Vixen Class

Welcome to Vixen class! We are a brilliant bunch of 11 children, some Year 3 and some Year 4, who love learning. Our class teacher is Miss Bruce and we are supported by Mrs Almond. In our learning, we embody all of our JONK characteristics: Resilience, Collaborative, Creative, Resourceful, Curious and Reflective. These are important as they help us to be the best learners we can be.

Our topic this term is all about the Battle of Britain.

In geography, we are learning about what maps are used for. We are also learning how to use different maps, such as the Atlases, to find countries in Europe. We’ve linked this to our topic and found important countries from World War II like Germany, France, Britain and Poland.

In history, the start of our topic focuses on finding out who was significant to the Battle of Britain. This carries on to looking at how Britain fought back against Germany, with lots of our learning looking at the different planes

What are we learning about this term?

This term we are learning about Resourceful Rainforests. Did you know there are different types of rainforest? There are temperate and tropical rainforests. Temperate rainforests are found in the temperate zones (between the tropics and the polar circles). They are found in a few regions scattered around the world such as western North America, south-eastern Australia and New Zealand. Tropical rainforests lie in the tropics (between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, 23.5° north and south of the equator.). They are found in many areas near the equator such as Asia, Africa, Central America and the Pacific Islands.

In English, we start the term by writing an adventure story based on the book 'The Jungle Book' by R.Kipling. We shall further apply our knowledge of the ‘FANTASTICs’, ‘BOOMTASTICs’ and ‘GRAMMARISTICs’ by using writing techniques such as fronted adverbials, noun phrases and similes (just to name a few!) throughout our writing.  We will also be looking at the following books throughout the Spring Term in English: The Tin Forest by Helen Ward, Earth Shattering Events by Robin Jacobs and David Attenborough (Little People, BIG Dreams) by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara.

This term, we are also focusing on Guided Reading where we shall be looking at a different extract each week from a book related to Rainforests. Some examples include: Bloomin' Rainforests, Fanatical About Frogs, The Amazon Rainforest, The Shaman's Apprentice, Under the Canopy and many more!

In Maths, we will be focusing on Multiplication and Division and Fractions. We will be using resources to help us investigate the relationship between numbers!

Screenshot 2022 01 11 At 09.06.40
Screenshot 2022 01 11 At 09.07.21

What Happened
This Week...